Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to Prevent Mold in Your NYC Home

 Black Mold Removal NYC

How to Prevent Mold and Mold Respiratory Illnesses in Your NYC Home
In recent years there has been an increase in cases of sensitivities and/ or allergic reactions to mold. The reaction to the mold found indoors can trigger asthma episodes in asthmatic and allergic individuals considered healthy, can cause rhinitis, wheezing, disorders of the respiratory tract, cough and fever. There is also evidence to suggest a relationship between indoor mold and air quality which exposes respiratory illnesses in children.

How Buildings are Facilitating Mold Growth

The construction in the last decades of more intelligent buildings, which are sealed, has resulted to some houses to have insufficient ventilation and air exchange. These conditions seem to be the conditions favoring the growth of some toxic molds affecting our health more easily. The building materials we use today can also facilitate the growth of mold, so many of them are also treated with fungicides, which are highly toxic substances. Mold is one of the causes of what is known as "sick building syndrome" factors.

How Does Mold Produce?

Molds reproduce through spores that can lie dormant for years until necessary conditions to facilitate germination are created leading to growth of a mold colony. These are conditions include: good oxygen levels, accurate temperature and high humidity. High temperatures and humidity facilitate mold growth. We cannot keep the temperature low in a  house without being cold, so the best weapon to prevent mold growth is to control moisture, improve ventilation in and around the house,and to have sufficient drainage and waterproofing.

Moisture Control 

A poorly ventilated room, crawlspace, or attic with high humidity or condensation from a suitable surface (clothing, wood, food, leather, plaster, etc.) that is wet for at least 24 to 48 hours is the best place for mold to grow. Keeping the humidity levels below 60% is one of the main ways to hinder the growth of mold and indoor air quality in control. To reduce the moisture in summer we can use air conditioners and dehumidifiers. If the humidity is too high or if, for example, one has to hang clothes indoors. It is advisable to have a hygrometer to monitor the humidity we have at home. 

Air cleaning and housecleaning 

Mold spores travel through the air, so a very good option to remove mold spores and prevent mold growth is to use air purifiers with HEPA filters. HEPA filters filter out particles down to 0.3 microns, which can capture mold spores that are inside our homes. If you already have mold in house, the mold may release toxic substances and so in this case, an air purifier would be recommended.

Contact Our NYC mold inspectors today!
Brooklyn mold removal NYC

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Local Mold Inspection and Mold Removal Companies NYC

Local Mold Removal Companies in NYC

New York City Mold Remediation Services

It is an undeniable fact that a damaged home or property has less value than a properly maintained one and that’s why it is important for property owners and home owners to take the necessary steps to ensure their investment is well protected. If there is a situation of mold growth in your property or home, you need to take immediate action and contact a reliable local mold removal company.

Local mold removal companies will help identify and get rid of household mold. Hiring a reputable New York City mold inspection and removal company can be a smart move if a large section of your home has been affected. Under favorable conditions, molds are said to grow quickly, so you should take action straight away.

When you hire a professional local mold removal company, you will be making a sensible decision to that will help make your household mould free, clean and healthy for you and your family. Some of the methods that these professionals will utilize are mold filtration, removal and testing of mold in your home to ensure your home is a clean as it previously was.

To make sure that the mold removal project is completed properly, it is important to research on the company you are considering. The mold removal company you choose should be certified, have enough insurance and be ready to provide references from previous customers. Researching the local mold removal companies before you hire any one of them will help you decide on the best one that will do your mold removal job to meet your needs and preferences. A professional will determine whether there is actually a need for executing a mold removal process in your home. They can also determine the type of mold that need to handle and the precise location of the problem.

In summary, mold and the possible problems it can bring to your home should be taken seriously. Hiring a local mold removal company, with professional mold removal experts will help safeguard your investment and ensure your home is healthy for you and your family.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Importance of a Home Mold Inspection in NYC

Why You Need to Have NYC Mold Inspection

Do You have  A Mold Problem?

Most people are unaware of their exposure to several types of various species of molds every day. Although, most of these molds are not harmful, there is a risk that some might be harmful to your health. The growth of toxic mold on your home or work environment can highly affect the health of people living around there and this being one of the reasons why conducting home mold inspection occasionally is very important.

If you have not conducted any home mold inspection for some time, it is important to hire a professional mold inspection company for an inspection of your home. A thorough mold inspection with certified and reputable mold inspection and mold removal companies ensures your living environment is safe.

The main reason for this kind of inspection is to let you know whether there is any toxic mold growth lurking within the premises. A professional inspector will immediately recommend on the right way to eliminate the mold if any found. Additionally, a mold inspector will also offer you the best advice on effective methods of reducing the most common causes of mold growth like indoor humidity.

Individuals suffering from certain respiratory conditions such as asthma should avoid living with unsafe environment. In that regard, home mold inspection ensures such people live in a safe environment. In addition, you have are suffering from any type of respiratory condition do not try to remove mold by yourself or be present during the removal process since you might worsen the condition. It is therefore important to hire a professional inspector.

Lastly, if you are looking for a professional home mold inspection services, do not just look for any inspector. Try to consider various factors such as reputation, level of experience and professionalism. Some molds are not visible thus requiring a thorough inspection so they can be eliminated. Mold growth is based on various factors so, it is recommended to inspect your premises more occasionally, especially if you live in areas with high humidity.

If mold is present, then the next step is to test the mold to determine what type of mold it is, then it is off to the mold removal processes.

Services for Mold Inspection NYC


Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Reason for Hiring NYC Mold Inspection Companies in and Around New York City

mold inspection NYC

Mold Inspection Companies in NYC 

High Tech Mold Inspection Service

New York City Air Quality and Environmental Hazard Causes

There are numerous angles that need to be considered when discussing the environment hazards. We are existing in this present reality where all is going at such a high rate, to the point that its tricky to stay informed concerning each and every subtle element, detail, or new hazard that presents itself . Yet there are some important in-home environmental aspects that shouldn't be disregarded in light of the fact that they may impact the healthy of the ones that leave in it

At the point when attempting to think of the best clarification of a sound environment in a home, there are sure components that should attract the attention of all of us. The most important of every one of our homes is the matter by which how clean the living environment is. This is the time when NYC mold inspections assume a vital part in prevention and ought to be considered as a routine service that relates to cleanliness of the household air quality and overall environment.

There are a few contentions on the side of mold remediation services that are worth saying. As a matter of first importance, individuals need to comprehend that mold types and different sorts of mold infestations are hazardous to the human body and can result in harm that may be irreversible if left untreated. Numerous specialists inform to stay away with respect to a swarmed region in light of the fact that it can prompt genuine harms. That is the reason individuals need to endow the strength of  professional NYC mold inspection contractors.

Another important aspect in favor of this services can be seen in the way it damages houses. There are numerous circumstances when the amassing of distinctive stuff that was left unlearned through the years has endangered the security of the home. This is a viewpoint that shouldn't be overlooked under any circumstances on the grounds that it includes the well-being of the occupants.

Individuals have the propensity of taking matters in their own particular hands, particularly on the off chance that it includes sparing up some cash. They hurry to the nearby helpful store and purchase a few items that are intended to keep the mold and different creatures away and the make their own particular mediation. This may appear to be as a savvy approach in different circumstances however there is a variable that tallies here and that is the absence of ability.

The NYC mold inspections services are the ones that truly know their business and they furnish it with professionalism. This implies that their experience helps them comprehend where the home of the mold infestation truly is and how it could be arrived at.

Schedule a NYC Mold Inspection Service Today!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

NYC mold removal companies and mold removal services

Working With NYC Mold Removal Companies to Solve Your Mold Problem

NYC Mold Removal Services

Mold is a fungus that normally grows in damp and humid places like basements, bathrooms and attics. Mold travels through air and can be present in your vents as well as your air-conditioning units. It’s not just smelly and unpleasant to look at; it can also be very harmful to you and your family. It’s sometimes poisonous and can be related to people dying. People often develop unexplained symptoms of sickness because of mold. These symptoms often range from headaches, trouble breathing, sinus infections and nausea, to more severe illnesses like pneumonia and asthma.

Harmful Molds can spread very fast hence the need to get rid of them. The sooner you take action, the better. Even though some mold removal jobs can be done by homeowners, it’s recommended that in case the mold covers an area that is larger than ten square feet, you should hire a mold removal company to do the task for you. There are many numerous mold removal companies out there, but it is important that you find a certified expert. Remember that mold is not only unsightly, but it can also be deadly.

Mold is frequently hidden is places where it can be very difficult to detect. Only professionals will be able to find the root cause. When you are looking for mold removal companies, make sure you choose a company that is qualified and certified. Also, you should consider hiring a company that uses the latest equipment and techniques so as to avoid the risk of a re-occurrence. Another thing you should consider when searching through mold removal companies is to choose a company whose services are within your budget constraints.

Professional mold removal companies will start with a visual inspection, going through every room, behind pipes and in the places most people won’t even think of looking. Some companies will have moisture detectors which can detect moisture behind walls and even in floors. If they happen to find the molds, they’ll test it in a laboratory to determine what type it is, and hence the best removal method.

After the physical test, they’ll carry out an airborne test to check if there is a dangerous level present. As soon as the type and severity is determined, they’ll formulate a removal plan. Make sure you look at the plan so that you know exactly what you’re in for. The mold removal process may be lengthy and costly, but it is totally worth it. The professionals will prepare the site, eliminate the root of the problem, apply antimicrobial treatments, and then test again.

Finding a mold removal company in NYC shouldn’t be a difficult task. A simple search online will provide you with numerous options. Just be cautious when doing the selection. Make sure you choose experienced and reputed mold removal companies with experienced team of experts who have the ability to deliver the best services.

To Schedule a Mold Inspection and/or Mold Removal Service in New York City, please contact us today-
mold removal companies nyc